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Entries in relief (2)


Myanmar Update, U.S. Navy Ordered To Leave

After weeks of sitting of the coast of Burma and making 15 requests to assist with relief efforts that have been rejected by the ruling military junta. The United States Navy has been ordered to leave.

Many other relief agencies are expressing regret saying they desperately need the helicopters for heavy lifting and access to remote areas. Use of military helicopters though standard U.N. operating procedure has been rejected through fear of an invasion by the ruling military government.

The French, who proposed sending in relief without permission, have already had their navy leave the area.

AP: Video, U.S. Navy Leaving Area

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Update on Burma Disaster, Death Toll of 100,000

Some relief aid is finally getting into Burma, but it is not enough as the military run Government is still not allowing all relief help efforts into the country. U.S. Aid is still on standby and there are delays in getting Visa's to Taiwanese aid workers.

World Food Programme is stating that it is critical to get aid into the country within the next 10 days or the crisis will widen. If you can please visit the World Food Programme site to make a much needed donation.

New death toll estimates coming from an official U.S. diplomat in the country put a number out that could exceed 100,000. Much higher than estimates of 22,000 - 50,000 as the Government of Burma stated.

France suggests the invoking of a UN "responsibility to protect" and that aid should be delivered without the permission of the military run Government.

See my other post on this story Here.

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