Shelter In Place, Are You Prepared?

You have your "Go-Bag" or "Bug-Out-Bag" all ready to go. You know the evacuation plan for your family and your business if disaster should strike.
Now you hear on the news that an industrial accident, a terror attack, or other incident has affected the area you're in and the local authorities are asking everyone to follow their shelter in place procedures. What do you do now?
Caught you off guard did I? Not that surprising really. Many people are prepared to go else where when a disaster strikes, but not many are prepared to stay where they are for an extended period of time nor do they know the proper procedures to stay safe.
So what do you do? First, as in all emergency situations it is important to remain calm. Next lets go over some supplies that you will need for a safe and successful shelter in place plan.
Plastic Sheeting
Duct Tape
Flash Light with Extra Batteries
Battery Powered Radio with Extra Batteries
Small Fire Extinguisher ABC type
Shut-off wrench for utilities
Bucket with tight lid
Toilet paper
Sturdy Large plastic garbage bags
Feminine supplies
Soap and Detergent
Liquid Chlorine Bleach
First Aid Kit
Non-perishable food supply for one day, canned foods, high energy foods, and comfort foods
Water, typically about 1 gallon per day per person but may be more or less based on personal needs
Land line telephone
Next we will go through some shelter in place procedures for various places.
Close the business, no one should come in or out.
Choose an interior room, preferably with no windows, hopefully with a telephone.
Ensure and provide for the safety of visitors, and clients, someone will need to direct them what to do
Close and lock ALL outside windows and doors If you can close all blinds and curtains.
Turn off all Fans, heating, and air conditioning systems.
If possible, have people call their emergency contacts to let them know where they are and that they are alright.
Get the names of all the people in the room.
Seal off the room using the plastic sheeting and duct tape, cover all doors, windows, and vents.
Listen to the radio for instructions, and for when the shelter in place advisory is over.
Close and lock ALL doors and Windows, close shades, blinds, and curtains if there is danger of an explosion
Shut off all fans, heating and air conditioning and close the fireplace damper
Gather shelter in place supplies, and working radio.
Go to an interior above ground room without windows
Bring pets and pet food with you.
Call your emergency contact to let them know what is going on, and that you are okay.
Seal off the room using plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Listen for instructions, evacuation orders, or until you are told it is safe.
If you are close to home, work or a public building go there immediately and follow your shelter in place instructions there
If you are unable to do so, pull over and stop in the safest place possible.
Turn off the engine, close windows and shut vents
If possible seal the vents with duct tape
Listen to the radio for updates and instructions
Stay put until it is safe to continue
For more on how to properly shelter in place, and for lists of supplies please use the reference links below.
American Red Cross Shelter in Place
American Red Cross Supply Kit PDF
National Institute for Chemical Studies Shelter In Place PDF
National Institute for Chemical Studies How to Shelter In Place Shelter in Place Info Center Shelter In Place Diagram Evacuation Plans and Procedures
Note: The above is based on a typical scenario for a shelter in place lasting no more than a 24 hour period. These are suggestions only and you may want to add to this list or tailor it to your specific needs and the items above cover only the basics.
This should be more than enough to get you started creating your shelter in place plans, and gathering your shelter in place supplies.
If you feel you need more personal attention or help preparing your business, home, or school for shelter in place please feel free to contact Dynamic Network Technologies.