Lightning Safety Week

June 22 - 28, 2008 is Lightning Safety Week and an average of 62 persons per year are killed by lightning strikes. This year there have been eight fatalities thus far due to lightning.
Lets take the time to go over some lightning safety procedures and look at some of the common myths surrounding lightning.
One of the most common Myths about lightning is that it never strikes the same place twice, in fact the opposite is true and the Empire State Building is struck by lightning on record as many as 23 time per year and was once struck 8 times in 24 minutes.
Another myth is that lightning will strike the tallest object nearest to it, again the lightning will not strike the tallest object but the object that is the best conductor.
As a rule of thumb, if you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance and you should seek shelter immediately.
Most lightning deaths occur outdoors during the summer where organized sports activities are taking place. When you hear thunder, seek shelter in a large building or enclosed vehicle. NOTE: convertibles do not offer protection from lightning even when the top is up.
When indoors stay away from phones, computers and other electrical equipment. Stay out of tubs, showers and away from plumbing as lightning can travel through the pipes even in the ground.
For more on lightning safety please see the links in this posting.