Gustav Increases To Category 4, Evacuations Begin

While a mandatory evacuation has not yet been called for, officials are calling on New Orleans residents to "get out."
New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin (D), along with a half-dozen police, fire and community leaders, encouraged residents Saturday to leave the city as soon as possible.
"We are strongly, strongly encouraging everyone to evacuate and go north," Nagin said. "Tourists, it is time for you to leave the city. Do not wait to start the evacuation. This storm is starting to be a little tricky. We want to encourage everyone to take this storm very seriously."
"We are telling people to get out today," he said, adding, "The next time you hear us, the message is going to be 'get the heck out.' "
Mayor Nagin, known as a straight shooter is telling everyone to leave the area residents and tourists alike and also indicated that they will step up the rhetoric as the storm gets closer to the City.
As you will see in an AP video below, the Mayor and police officials stated that while a curfew is not yet in effect, if you are in the City and not on your own property you will be arrested.
For Current Status of Gustave with historical track of Katrina.
Earlier posts on Gustave in order:
New Orleans Considers Evacuations
Gustave becomes Cat 1, Killer Storm
Gustave Becomes Cat 3, Evacuations Begin
Note: This will most likely be our last update until landfall baring something extraordinary since most people seem to be following the evacuations.
AP VideoAP Video
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3 Map of New Orleans from Washington Post
Source 4