China Stealing Secrets and Accessing U.S. Lawmaker Computers

In response to trusted United States lawmakers Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., and New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, a senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, China says it is incapable of launching such an attack.
Not only is this absurd, but China has a long history of being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, most notably during the Clinton administration in the past.
The allegations are the latest in a series of cyber security problems blamed on China. Reports last year cited officials in Germany, the United States and Britain as saying government and military networks had been broken into by hackers backed by the Chinese military.
The Pentagon acknowledged last month at a closed House Intelligence committee meeting that its vast computer network is scanned or attacked by outsiders more than 300 million times each day. Most of these attacks have been said to come from China, or Chinese sources.
The real question to be asking here is, are we currently fighting an unconventional war with China? If not perhaps we should be taking proactive steps to protect ourselves.