ICE...In Case of Emergency, Who Do You Want Contacted?

Most of the time here we focus on large disasters and how to prepare for them. Yet, everyday people have various types of emergencies where they are unable to communicate and many of these incidents result in a call to 911 for police, fire, and EMS personnel for help.
I would like to take this time to show support for an initiative called ICE, In Case of Emergency. The idea is simple enough...In this day and age, we hardly ever go anywhere without our cell phones. We have most of if not all of our contact in this one simple device.
All you have to do is choose a few contacts that you would like emergency personnel to contact in the event of an emergency and add ICE next to their names. If you choose more than one person, place a number next to the letter in the order that you wish them contacted, such as ICE1, ICE2, and ICE3.
As a former EMT for NYC EMS I can tell you that many times cell phones have been used to locate family and loved ones. Often by choosing names at random. The best way to ensure the right people are contacted is to ICE your cell phone.
Please take the time to do this, and let your friends and loves ones know as well.
For more on this please see the following links:
ICE on wikipedia