Well I have been a bit late in getting this news up, but as you know the USGS has announced in a new study that the probability of an earthquake of 6.7 or larger will strike in the State of California in the next 30 years is greater than 99%. The odds are actually predicted as being a 99.7% chance of the earthquake striking by the year 2037.
The last time an earthquake of this size hit California was in 1994 and is referred to as the Northridge disaster or the Northridge Quake. This earthquake caused 72 deaths and injures to more than 9,000 people as well as $25 billion in damages in USD.
This is an excellent time to review some earthquake safety tips.
Before an Earthquake
1. Check for Potential Hazards.
Fasten shelves securely to walls.
Place large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Brace overhead light fixtures..
2. Identify A Safe Place.
Under sturdy furniture such as a heavy desk or table.
Against an inside wall.
Away from glass could shatter, or other heavy furniture could fall over.
In the open, away from buildings, trees, telephone and electrical lines, overpasses, or elevated expressways.
3. Have A Disaster Preparedness Kit Ready To Go
Flashlight and extra batteries.
Portable battery-operated radio and extra batteries.
First aid kit and manual.
Emergency food and water.
Nonelectric can opener.
Essential medicines.
Cash and credit cards.
Sturdy shoes
Note: Be Prepared to be on your own without help for AT LEAST 72 HOURS
During An Earthquake
1. If Indoors
Drop to the ground and take COVER under a sturdy table
Stay away from Glass and windows
Stay in bed if you are there when an earthquake hits, hold on and protect your head with a pillow
Use a doorway for shelter
Stay inside until shaking stops most people are injured when they try to move or leave
Be aware that electricity may go out and fire sprinklers may come on
2. If Outdoors
Stay there
Move away from buildings, utility wires, street lights and elevated road ways
Try to stay in the open
3. If In A Moving Car
Stop as quickly and safely as you can and stay in the car
Avoid stopping under elevated roadways, buildings, trees and other things that may fall
Proceed with caution after the shaking stops
Avoid area damaged by earthquake
4. If You Become Trapped
Do not light a match or use a lighter
Do not move about or kick up dust
Cover your mouth with clothing or handkerchief
Tap on a pipe or outside wall so rescuers can locate you, use a whistle if you have one
Do not shout or yell as doing so may cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust
After An Earthquake
Expect aftershocks
Listen to the radio or television
Use the telephone only in an emergency
Help the injured
Be aware of tsunamis if you are in a coastal area
Check utilities for gas leaks, electrical damage and water and sewage lines for damage