Shelter In Place

A while back I did a piece on Shelter In Place during an emergency. Usually the authorities will announce when you should shelter in place during certain emergencies.
This will generally be broadcast over the television and radio and in some cases through other means of emergency notification. The system is not perfect and a system is being worked on that will notify citizens via text messages.
I thought it very important to bring this subject up again, since during a recent conversation someone had mentioned that shelter in place is strictly for pandemic planning. This statement could not be further from the truth. In fact the very next day about fifty miles north of where I live they issued a shelter in place due to a chemical fire.
For this reason I felt it was important to make a brief post about this topic again, and will probably touch on different aspects about sheltering in place from time to time. Of all the sites I have been to the CDC Shelter in Place Facts gives some of the best examples of why you want to shelter in place. Generally speaking though it is usually when it is unsafe to go outside or to evacuate due to the conditions outside of the building you are in.
I ask people to refer to my other post on Shelter In Place for more details and additional links to excellent resources.

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