Amazon Outage Continues was down again on Monday for a while, and is down as of this writing as well.
Estimates are is losing about $30,000 USD per minute with its site being unreachable by the millions who use the site each day to make purchases.
Also affected are Bloggers who rely on as a revenue stream. Ironically I myself used an Amazon link this past week which is currently not working. Though, this is not my main priority I am sure it is affecting other bloggers out there.
In addition it will most likely have a negative impact on Amazon's revenues for the quarter as well.
The Register has a story saying that bots are to blame for the outage which may well be possible, at this point it seems like a DDOS attack on them and some of their other sites in both the U.S. and UK. In any case Amazon so far seems fairly tight lipped about what the actual cause is.
The Register also had this to say "Whatever the cause, the outage comes as a pox on the house of Amazon. In addition to being the world's biggest online retailer, it's also trying to convince smaller companies to outsource their mission-critical storage, server and database operations to its Amazon Web Services."
In the world of business continuity, giving your small company critical systems to a large wouldbe target just does not make sense. There are much better solutions out there.
I'll keep you up to date on the issue as I am curious as how this will play out.

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