More Credit Card Numbers Stolen In Los Gatos

It was reported late yesterday that a merchant in Los Gatos, California had a card reader swapped out for one that had been converted to steal Card numbers and PIN numbers from customers.
The merchant, Lunardi's supermarket located at 720 Blossom Hill Road in Los Gatos, CA contacted police after having a problem with one of the readers this past Sunday. What that problem was has not been disclosed so far.
As of this writing about 30 people have come forward to say that they have become victims of identity theft. Police are telling people to check there accounts and keep an eye on transactions if you were a customer at this grocery store.
Also, you may call (408) 354-8600 if you have been a victim or think you are a victim of this incident.
With all of the theft going on, the real question to ask is PCI enough? Personally I do not think so. Merchants, need to take the added responsibility for protecting the devices that are used to read credit, debit and other cards on their premises.
The key questions to ask about this incident are first, was it an inside job? If not, how and when did thieves gain access to swap out the device? Either way, did someone see it? Was it caught on video camera? Why weren't the devices locked down to begin with? Is the retailer PCI compliant?
Once thieves get their hands on your number and PIN, they will often sell the cards numbers. In an another incident police in are looking for a man who has been using stolen card numbers to steal from ATMS in the Berkeley area. You can see photos of the man here. If you see this man or know him please call the authorities.
In addition if you are interested in learning more about this subject about how all of this happens and how thieves are able to get away with this I suggest you read this book: Zero Day Threat: The Shocking Truth of How Banks and Credit Bureaus Help Cyber Crooks Steal Your Money and Identity.
It is an excellent read, and you may never use your credit card again. It also provides excellent advice on what you can do today to protect yourself. Again I highly recommend you read this book.

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