Scenario of the Month: An Ice-Storm Wrecks Havoc
Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 11:56AM
Keith Erwood in Exercise, Scenario, Table-top, Tabletop

Melted Fiber-optic Cable

It is Mid-November. After a week of above-average temperatures and some heavy rain. A massive cold front has moved into your area causing an ice-storm and covering everything in layers of ice.

The Mayor has declared a local State-of-Emergency and has asked everyone to stay home and off the roads for safety and clean-up.

A fire has broken out downtown at an underground sub-station causing both a power outage and melting of fiber-optic cables impacting the internet and 911 calls.

Officials are stating it could be up to 6 days before repairs are complete and it is only Tuesday morning.

What do you do?

Article originally appeared on Disaster Preparedness Blog - Emergency Preparedness Tips, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Emergency Management (
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